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Case Studies

Failing care packages

No More Failing Packages Of Care

Parador was approached by an NHS commissioner in the northwest who wanted to find a solution to the perennial problem of failing care packages in her area. Hers was a story of clients frustrated by poor support from provider after provider, gaps in rotas filled by expensive agency staff, inadequate training, poor relationships between clients and their carers etc etc.

The solution was to convert the packages of care to Personal Health Budgets, which enables the client or family to regain control of their lives and take on the responsibility of managing their own care team.

Parador recruited carers to fill vacancies in the care teams, delivered clinical training, checked and updated documentation eg DBS and signposted the clients to third-party providers of payroll services, employment contracts etc.

Finally, we initiated a clinical oversight service of regular nurse visits to ensure that care is being provided to the required standard, client condition and satisfaction are monitored, carers are confident in the provision of care and that client/carer behaviours are appropriate and respectful.

PHB Assesments

Supporting Personal Health Budgets

We were commissioned to work with sixty-five PHB clients in Nottinghamshire, providing clinical training and competency assessment for their carers. In addition, our nurses were well-placed to support the clients by identifying issues within each PHB which required signposting to third-party services or to the relevant CHC Case Manager. At a time when regular contact between the client and the CCG had been disrupted by Covid 19, this proved invaluable in re-establishing the lines of communication and providing reassurance to the clients.

For this project we devised a series of metrics which were used to measure the status of each PHB at the start of our involvement. From this baseline we were able to determine the effect of our work in improving the RAG rating of the PHBs. Through our intervention we were able to increase the proportion of Green-rated PHBs from 10% to 72% and reduce the Red-rated PHBs from 55% to 10%.  


We were contacted by a Case Manager who was struggling to find care assistants to fill vacancies in her clients’ care teams. We dedicated one of our team to support the CM through our recruitment process, which is focused on understanding the needs of the client. In this way and by establishing excellent rapport and communication, we were able to put forward high-quality candidates to fill the vacancies.

From this success the CM also commissioned us to deliver complex care training for some of her clients and we have built an excellent relationship with one of the UKs leading Case Management companies.

Parador Group supporting you whatever you need.
Tel: 01952 984999
1 Hawksworth Road,
Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU
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