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Harland Services

Birth chart Reading

Harland Services is regulated by the CQC to provide Third Party support services to clients with Personal Health Budgets (PHB).





Our Third Party provision is an extension of the services already provided by Parador Care Support. With CQC registration we are able to employ carers on behalf of clients who are unable or don’t wish to manage their own care team. To ease the burden on the client and their family, we take care of rotas, payment of salaries, HR etc and provide dedicated operational support to ensure that shifts are filled and the PAs have the support they need.


We can also manage the client's budget through a specialist provider entirely separate to Parador. The account is named and is unique to the client, and the client or their representative has access to view it it, so that at any time they know what has been spent and what is left.


If required, we attend discussions between the PHB holder and the commissioners and are proactive in proposing enhancements to the package which will enable the desired outcomes to be realised.


We ensure that the client is treated as an individual and that the package of support is bespoke and personalised to their needs and aspirations.


Harland Services is also registered to support the discharge from hospital of medically-optimised patients. The patients are supported through a Discharge to Assess process by trained carers employed by Harland Services, and receive care and support in their home setting while their long term support needs are identified.


Parador Third Party Personal Health Budgets (PHB) Brochure.

Parador Group supporting you whatever you need.
Tel: 01952 984999
1 Hawksworth Road,
Central Park, Telford, TF2 9TU
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